Category: Web development

We build web sites that solve many challenges faced by business owners on a day-to-day basis. We can help you automate repetitive tasks, engage mobile customers and build bespoke themes and plugins for WordPress.

In a nutshell…

The core of our business is helping to solve your business challenges through technology. We work to understand your company and the strategic hurdles you encounter before we look for solutions. Every sector and every business has unique constraints; so, no solution will work for everyone. 

You might approach us with a simple problem you face in your daily business. Whether it’s the frustration of tracking customer orders or the difficulties of complying with data protection regulations while maintaining a newsletter database, you need help with resource-hungry tasks.

The first thing we do is to get to know you. By understanding you and your business, we better understand the problem you face. We start recording some metrics related to the issue. These might include:

  • how long a task takes;
  • how many people are involved;
  • how users complete a task online; 
  • the extent that the current process limits your business; or 
  • the value of a solution to customers.

Then we work with you to find a solution. It might mean developing a new feature for your web site. It might be a simple task, such as updating or creating a theme for your WordPress installation. Or, it might involve developing a mobile app to improve the experience of customers using mobile devices.

Whatever the solution is, we involve you throughout its development. Your input is essential to the success of the project. You give us insights into the needs of your customers and help us to prioritise work. The constant feedback loop you provide during a project helps to speed development and minimise bugs. That allows us to finish jobs more quickly and decrease your costs.

When we complete a project, we monitor the metrics we took at the start of the project. That tells us if the project has been a success and what impact it had on the problem. This information helps us understand what other improvements to make in the future. We recommend an iterative approach to achieve your goals: look at a problem, measure it, plan a solution, implement the solution, monitor progress and reassess. 

Mobile app development

Take your products to your customers with a mobile app. Let your users find you at any time on any device. Integrate your business into the lives of your users. If you've got an idea, we can help you develop it.

Web development

We find technical solutions to everyday business needs, including user self-service, order fulfilment and content management. Making repetitive processes easier gives you more time to help your customers and grow your business.

WordPress themes and plugins

WordPress™ is a Content Management System (CMS) that facilitates adding content to a web site. With over 60 million users, it is one of the most popular programs on the internet. But standing out from the crowd is difficult when you use the same themes and plugins as everyone else. 



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