If you don’t regularly develop and tender digital or web projects, it can be a daunting process. You need to be sure that you have scoped and specified the work correctly to ensure that you achieve your goals, you need to get the right supplier on board to deliver the project, and you need to make sure that the supplier provides what you want. And at each stage, you can be overwhelmed by jargon and technical data that you are unsure about or requested to provide technical specifications that you don’t understand. You can be a technically savvy individual or company and still find it hard work to navigate your way through an alien project management process.
That is where we can help. We can work with you at any stage of a project, from inception to delivery, to ensure that you achieve the best possible results from work undertaken on the job. We act on your behalf in an advisory capacity enabling you to understand the technical jargon and methods in use and help you find your way through any project, simple or complex.
Throughout a project, we are on–hand to discuss it with you. We can talk through aspects of the project that concern you and highlight parts to focus on to ensure its success. We can help you:
- deliver your obligations as a client to the contractor on time and in order;
- review the project’s deliverables;
- identify any problem areas with the project as it develops; and,
- foresee potential problems with usability, access and maintenance.
If you are about to start, scope or tender a project, or you have one underway that is slowly unravelling, contact us for an initial discussion of your concerns.