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Introducing Redcentaur

An introduction to Redcentaur and our client-focused services, which offer full web solutions for SMEs and charities.

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Introduction to Redcentaur

Redcentaur’s client-focused service offers a full range of web solutions to SMEs and charities.

Your needs come before our profits. We create an open and honest partnership with our clients. We only work with clients if we feel we can make a personal connection and work collaboratively towards success. 

We take time to understand you, your needs and your goals. We invest in understanding your business to build a long-term, successful relationship. We understand changing suppliers is disruptive and costly to any business, so we always ensure we are a good fit and can offer solutions to help you meet your goals.

We work to offer you solutions to your technical and process problems and to help you achieve the next level; we don’t just sell you whatever we’ve got. If our solutions are not a good fit we help and advise you in finding what you need. That’s how we build a trusting relationship.

We provide a full range of web solutions for SMEs and charities, from web design and redesign; through consultancy work on standards and regulations; hosting and registration; to web server management and maintenance. All our services are listed in the Our products and services section.

We specialise in PHP and Zend Framework/Laminas. We developed our own modular Content Management System that offers a professional and flexible alternative when other solutions just don’t cut it. Working with PHP means we can work on most interactive sites, including the most popular CMS, WordPress. We can create new themes and plugins to enhance the web experience you offer through these platforms.

We are performance mad. We work hard to keep our solutions fast and reliable, from squashing the size of files to tweaking the database.

On this site, you will find information about what we stand for and what we do. We think it’s important to be open and up-front about what we believe and how we work. If you like what you see, why not join our newsletter. I promise we won’t spam you with emails and our site gives you the tools to manage your subscription for yourself. Our newsletter delivers access to exclusive offers and important industry news. We’re always keen to hear from people interested in our solutions. Please drop us a line to find out more about what we can do for you.

Our philosophy

Our vision

Providing simple technical solutions to complex business needs.

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