FAQ topic: General

Here we list all FAQs related to “General”.

In short, no.

When you save a password against your account, it is encrypted using secure one-way encryption technology. What gets stored in our database is a string of words, numbers and punctuation that does not seem to have any relation to the password you enter on the site. The reason for this is to prevent anyone gaining access to users’ usernames and passwords through our database.

If you have forgotten your password we provide the facility for you to recover your account by setting a new password on your account. Please refer to How do I recover my password? for more information.

At Redcentaur, we respect your personal data and offer you the ability to manage it for yourself. If you decide you no longer want to receive our newsletters and you want all of your personal data to be removed from our newsletter database, that is something we respect.

You can ask to be forgotten in one of two ways. When you unsubscribe from our newsletter on your Profile page, we will automatically send you a link that enables you to delete your personal data from our newsletter database. All you have to do is click on the link and confirm that you want to be forgotten. If you don't receive that email, or you've deleted it, you can email us and we will do it for you. You will have to confirm your identity if you make the request by email.

Please note, your right to be forgotten only affects your newsletter subscription. We are required to retain any data about you that is relevant to our ability to perform our business and our contracted relationship with you.

When you register an account on this web site, you set your own password. This is because passwords you create yourself tend to be easier to remember! But, we’ve all done it... We’ve all forgotten one of the millions of passwords we have to remember for every single site we visit.

So, we’ve created a simple and secure process to enable you to reset your password when you’ve forgotten it. We can’t tell you your existing password because it is encrypted before we store it in our database, so even if we went into the database to look for your password, all we would see is a string of 64 letters and numbers that you wouldn’t recognise either!

How to change your password when you’re not signed in:
  1. Click on My account (opens in a new window so you can still refer to these instructions) on the main menu;
  2. Click on the Forgotten my password? (new window) link on the right-hand side;
  3. Complete the requested details in the “Request a password reset” form with the details we hold for you (you will need to include your registered email address, username and your preferred security question and answer);
  4. Click on Request reset;
  5. If the details are correct, you will receive an email to your registered email address containing a link and further instructions to change your password;
  6. The link contains a reference id and is unique and time limited. Click the link or copy and paste the entire link into your web browser’s address bar. Create a new password to regain access to your account.

If you suddenly remember your existing password after you have requested a reset, you can cancel the reset by signing in to your account as normal with your existing username and password. We recommend you do this as soon as possible so that the unique reference to your account is killed and the reset link is properly voided.

Registering your account on this site allows you to manage your personal data more easily and enables you to participate in special offers and discounts that are made available to registered users on occasion. From your account profile, you are able to manage your subscription to our newsletter, change your personal details, as necessary, and check out exclusive special offers.

If you want to register your account, you must be an existing client for Redcentaur Design or Redcentaur Hosting: you will be unable to register until you are listed as a client because this web site does not offer services to the general public. If you are an existing client and you cannot register, please contact us to make sure that we have added you to our clients list within the application.

To register your account:
  1. Click on My account (link opens in a new window so you still have access to these instructions) in the main menu;
  2. On the right-hand side, click on Register an account (opens in a new window);
  3. Complete the User details form with a username, password, your email address (that we already hold for you), a security question and answer and confirm your agreement to our Terms and Conditions (new window). Then click on Register account;
  4. If all is successful, you are returned to the Sign-in page with a message saying “Your account has been created. Now sign in.”
  5. Sign in using the username and password you just created;
  6. If your credentials (username/password) are correct, you are signed in and land on your Profile page.  

We understand that there are many reasons why you might want to unsubscribe from our newsletter for a short period. I know it will be a wrench to be parted from such great news and information but it's understandable if you are on holiday that you don't want to come back to all those emails, including our poor old newsletter.

So, you can manage your subscription directly from your Profile page. If are subscribed, the details of your subscription will be shown and you can change your subscription details on your profile page directly. While you maintain your subscription details in our database you will be able to subscribe and unsubscribe, as you wish. 

If you decide to delete your details from the subscription database, you will not be subscribed to the newsletter and your details will be deleted from the newsletter database under our Right to be forgotten policy.